LED Light Therapy
Light therapy is an innovative process that capitalizes on the way our cells interact with light. Light draws more blood to the treatment area, trigger the recovery process that soothe muscles while carrying essential nutrients to your cells. At the same time, light can energize cells for faster reproduction.
Our LED therapy devices use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and Deep Penetrating Light (dpl) to send particular wavelengths into your skin. Infrared light is one of the most important factors in LED treatment. Its longer wavelength enables infrared light to reach deeper into the skin for the most thorough muscle pain relief. Where drugs produce mixed results and heating pads can only address the surface-level cells, LED therapy is capable of providing all-natural, deep-penetrating relief from head and neck pain.
Light Therapy as a Head and Neck Pain Remedy
Light therapy is a versatile treatment method capable of alleviating pain from various head and neck ailments. You can count on our LED therapy devices to relieve stiffness, aches, muscle spasms, and other forms of pain. Use light therapy before, during, or after strenuous activities or as a way to combat chronic pain.
Deep-penetrating infrared light energizes your head and neck’s deepest cells, enabling them to relax and heal faster. Many customers use LED therapy to stifle pain from conditions like arthritis and neuropathy. Others use LED therapy to expedite recovery after injuries from accidents and sports. LED therapy is also an effective way to deal with the aches and pains of everyday life.
FDA-Cleared Treatment Devices
Light therapy works, and you can implement it to treat your head or neck pain. LED Technologies develops tools that handle head and neck pain in unique ways. Browse our inventory for devices like:
- dpl® Eye Mask: Relieves pain from tension headaches, migraines, and sinus pressure
- dpl® Neck Pillow: A head and neck pillow you can wear on the couch or take with you when you travel
- dpl® Flex Pad: A versatile pad you can drape over your head and neck or position on other parts of your body
- dpl® Clinical: A handheld treatment device you can hold against your head, neck or other areas where you experience muscular pain